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Perham Little League Field to be Dedicated to Howie Kangas

By Craig Olson, 07/31/24, 11:00PM CDT


At 7:00pm on Thursday, August 1, the Perham community will be hosting a field dedication to Howie Kangas.  Perham Little League Field 1 at Arvig Park will be dedicated in his honor and all community members are invited to come and be a part of the dedication.  Kangas was a long time baseball and football coach in the Perham School district and was also a well-respected referee, umpire and official.


“We are asking all ages of youth baseball players and their families to be in attendance at the event if their night is free,” said Perham Baseball Coach James Mulcahy.  “If possible, we would like all minor and major league players in their uniforms or jerseys.”

12 year-old Little League Players (all players entering 7th grade), are asked to bring their equipment as they will participate in an unofficial ‘first game’ on the field shortly after the dedication.